What is Family Mediation and how does it work? Family Mediator discusses
In his latest article, Family Mediator Simon Immins answers your questions on the mediation process.
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It has been six years since we last re-built our website. It was a time of change at the firm and we had just re-branded from a navy fountain pen logo to our current bright pink one.
A lot more has changed in the six years since, as Managing Partner Matt Fretten explains:
"We've almost doubled in size, we've opened two new offices, and we have welcomed a whole host of new faces into the team.
Our client base has changed, and while we still offer the same bright, personal service to individuals, we also now serve a lot of larger commercial clients.
We have grown up, and the site aims to reflect that."
Especially on mobile devices. It has been designed 'mobile first' and built in a way that enables pages to load more quickly.
Fonts, colours and contrasts have been set so that the text is easy to read on all screen sizes.
Brand new custom-designed menus on both desktops and mobile devices make it easier to find your way around. The search function on the homepage and shortcuts to our most popular pages should mean you can find what you need, faster.
We are a people business, so it is fitting that our people are at the heart of our site. Our team are often praised by our clients for their bright and approachable nature - we feel that the photography captures that.
We've grown a lot as a firm in the last six years, the site aims to reflect that.
The logo is still pink (though there is a little less pink text), and the design and imagery are still bright - we wouldn't have it any other way.
You can still search and read our historic articles, webinars and videos in our new media centre.
Marketing Manager Lewis Barr:
"Law has become more accessible, and so have we.
The way people find legal services and interact with law firms has changed fundamentally. People are used to being able to find answers online, then speak directly with experts when they need them.
We publish dozens of articles, videos and webinar recordings every month. We talk about a huge variety of useful and interesting topics, in plain English. This all attracts visitors and clients from all over the country.
In 2015, our website had less than 2,000 visitors each month. It now has over 30,000.
The new website is designed to be easier to read, easier to navigate, and easier to use on mobile devices. In short, it is faster and a lot more slick.
It has been designed to reflect what we are like as a law firm - modern, bright, and accessible."
We worked with Conscious Solutions for the redesign. They specialise in web design and marketing for law firms, we have a long-standing relationship with them and they know us well. They have been excellent throughout the entire design and build process.
Justin Smith, at Orbital is responsible for the wonderful photography and we couldn't recommend him highly enough.
Jenny Williams and Cameron Hearn in the marketing team have worked tirelessly on the build, updating and checking almost 900 pages of content.
As with all design projects of this scale, there is the chance there could be a few snags when it goes live.
If you discover any issues, or even if you just want to let us know what you think, please don't hesitate to drop us an email on lbarr@frettens.co.uk.
The content of this article, blog or video is not intended as specific legal advice. For tailored assistance, please contact a member of our team.