
Access Keys

What are Access Keys?

Not every user has a graphic environment with a mouse or other pointing device. Some users rely on a keyboard, or voice input to navigate links and activate forms. To support such users as much as possible this website supports a technical standard called Access Keys - essentially this is a way to define keyboard shortcuts that allow you to navigate to sections of the site without using the mouse.

How to use Access Keys

The Access Keys for this site are numbered 1,2,3,4,5 etc and correspond to the sections of the site numbered from left to right - so Access Key 1 goes to the first section (the home page). To activate an Access Key hold down the "Alt" key while pressing the desired number :

Alt + 1 then Enter/Return to Navigate to Home
Alt + 2 then Enter/Return to Navigate to About Us
Alt + 3 then Enter/Return to Navigate to Our Services
Alt + 4 then Enter/Return to Navigate to Our People
Alt + 5 then Enter/Return to Navigate to Library
Alt + 6 then Enter/Return to Navigate to Contact Us
Alt + 7 then Enter/Return to Navigate to Help
